👋 Interactive platform where students teach students.

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Responsible and proactive tutors

Brainstrs tutors are students of leading world universities and best high school students. They love to study, pass exams with a high score and are engaged in social activities.

Peer-to-peer learning

Our tutors have coped with the difficulties of study and admission on their own. They speak the same language as students, can clearly explain the material and, by their example, inspire to learn.

Brainstr checks the quality of all lessons

We conduct interviews with each tutor on brainstr, check grades and take feedback from their teachers. If you don't like the lesson - we can refund your money.

Students can become tutors

We aim to teach in a way that our students can become tutors themselves and earn money for their development.

We invite the best students to our team and conduct online tutoring training.

As easy as 1-2-3

  1. Sign up and choose a tutor based on your goals
  2. Deposit money to your account and choose a convenient time
  3. The tutor meets with the student in the brainstr virtual and interactive classroom and conducts the lesso at the choosen time

What do tutors help with?

  • 📚 Homework for school subjects
  • 📘 Prepare for exams and tests
  • 👩‍💻 Explain a difficult topic if the child missed something
  • 👩🏼‍🎨 Help to master a subject that is not in school: for example, a new language or advanced coding
  • 🧑🏻‍💼 Share the experience of entering a good university

Our principals

Teach and learn

We believe in the power of peer-to-peer learning, when the teacher is in the same position as the students.  There is no place for instructions, orders and punishments and both student and teacher are learning. Our tutors are constantly developing and advancing their knowledge while working with students.

Every student is unique and has potential to grow

Different people learn in different ways and individual work with our tutors helps to find the best way and pace of learning for each student.

Care about results and long-term goals

It is important for us to help children and parents get a quality education and have more opportunities for a stable future.  Our tutors not only fix high-level issue with knowledge, but also share with students tips how to learn better, so they can become tutors themselves - and earn money for better education

Schedule your first lesson today!

With brainstr you will find your highly motivated online tutor to improve your skills and get you ready for life. Furthermore, you can start teaching on brainstr and earn money from home.